Krish Book Review

                                                        Why Non-Fiction books are good for you

    Many people think that non-fiction books are uninteresting, but non-fiction books are actually pretty interesting and you just have to find the right book.  For me, that book was My Life in Dog Years which I reviewed last time. I feel that non-fiction books are good for you and the two main reasons are that they offer information about the world and that they also give you exposure to real-life stories. 

    The first reason why I think that nonfiction books are good for you is because they give you a lot of information. Books such as National Geographic give you information about different stuff such as volcanoes and nature in general. There are also other types of books such as history books which let you learn more about history. I remember when I was young, I would always read Who Was Books so I could learn more about people and history.

The second reason why I think that nonfiction books are good for you is because they give you exposure to real-life stories. For example, in My Life in Dog Years, he talks about losing one of his dogs and how he dealt with it. This is a real-life scenario and nonfiction books can expose you to that so that you understand the real world better

Overall, I think that non-fiction books are good for you because they can provide you with more knowledge and can help you with real-life scenarios. I didn’t like non-fiction books at first, but after reading some I have started to enjoy non-fiction books. I think that if you give nonfiction books a try, you will also soon fall in love with them too.


  1. Hey Krish. I totally agree with what you are saying here. Up till 5th grade, I never read any nonfiction books and always read fantasy of sci-fi. But now, I read more of nonfiction than fiction. As you mention, I think getting information is important and gives you some interesting knowledge. For example, I've been reading books on photography and history (not just because of world history class) and the information has made me want to learn more about it. I also agree with your second reason of exposure to life stories. Although fiction novels can present that, I feel like non-fiction hits harder and stays with me more than reading about a non-existent character.
    Overall I think you have a good argument on why nonfiction books are good, and you have written a good blog this week as well.

  2. Hi Krish! I used to read a lot of non-fiction books when I was a kid, but now I tend to only read fiction. I might check out some more non-fiction books.

  3. Hi Krish, you make some really good points here, and for me, when I was I child I only read fiction books. I think the reason so many children like fiction is because it lets them be so much more imaginative, rather than being stuck the the confines of the pages. Now that I've grown up a little, I definitely understand the usefulness of non-fiction books. Great Blog krish!

  4. I used to never read non-fiction or even historical fiction books because I though they had little to no worth and were all boring, bland books that focused to much on history rather than telling an enjoyable story. Boy was I wrong. I read the 𝘐 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘥 books and loved them. From there I started to read more non-fiction and found the worth in these kinds of books. Great job on talking about the importance of non-fiction books!

  5. I totally agree with you krish! Usually fiction books are much more entertaining, and keep you hooked for longer, however a good non fiction book does the same. I remember, I used to go through the weird but tree book series non stop in my elementary days, it was my favorite example of a non fiction book.

  6. I totally agree with this review as non-fiction books help to educate students and also teach more about ethical things as well as what they would do in that scenario. Good blog Krish!


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