Struggling to Finish Books? Here's some tips. (Blog by Daniel Lee)

 Books unfinished, roads untravelled | Journal            After reading Mateo's blog, "Books I Haven't Finished...yet," I found myself pondering about the countless number of books that I haven't finished. For me, I usually find myself not finishing books because I lose interest, or I can't get engaged in a book. So, for my blog, I'm going to write about some tips that I've personally used to keep myself consistently engaged in the books I read. Hopefully these tips may be able help out others in the future.


1. Make reading a routine in your daily life


            This may seem incredibly obvious to many, but for many readers who are starting to build a habit in reading, this may sound daunting. It was for me at least. Making reading a routine sounded unnecessary to me because I always looked at reading as a thing I had to do when my dad made me. But when I started to read every day, I found myself being more engaged and wanting to read. Instead of having to refresh my memory of where I left off last time, I could quickly dive into the story again. 

            The problem with reading once in a while is that we tend to forget a lot of what we read the last time, so we have to backtrack a lot, causing us to waste lots of time. But we can eliminate this problem with reading daily. Even if you read small amounts every day, it can still benefit you greatly. I try to dedicate around 20-40 minutes to reading books in an isolated, focused environment.


2. Limit the amount if books you're reading at one time.


            I've personally faced the issue of trying to read way too many books at once. Over the summer there were times where I would alternate reading between 4 books. At first, I would suddenly start on a book because it looked appealing and exciting to read, but the two books I was alternating between suddenly became three books, and then the number continued to grow out of control.

            Setting a clear, defined limit is going to combat this problem really well. My own personal "limit" is 3 books at the most. Even though there are many books that I want to read, I hold off by making myself a waiting list for books I'm going to read in the future. This way, I can still eventually read the books that you want to read, and at the same time I'll still be able to limit the number of books that I read.

            This tip may not apply to everybody, but hopefully it will still help many readers.


3. Push through books.


            I know we've all faced times where we find a book so boring and slow. It feels grueling to read even a few pages. This situation usually ends with the book being scrapped and put away somewhere in a bookshelf.

            I wish that there was some magical tip that I could give, but unfortunately, there's no way I've ever easily overcome this problem. I use brute force and go through the book no matter how boring it is. Also, who knows if the end of the book will suddenly be entertaining?  



            Even though I've only listed a few tips, hopefully one of these tips will be able to everybody! Lots of these tips may not be perfect, but they've worked for me very well. Thanks for reading!


  1. Hi Daniel! As someone who is forever battling this problem, this is some great advice for me, and it's a creative idea for a book blog. I'm impressed! I'll make sure to try out these tips next time I find myself struggling to get through a book.

  2. Hi Daniel, this is a good blog with some nice tips that I will definitely put to use. Good Job!

  3. Hi Daniel, I also struggle to finish these books but these tips are really helpful and I will definitely use them. Really creative idea too.

  4. Hi Daniel. I've struggled to finish a lot of books lately as this year has been much more busier for me than Subbie year. I think these tips can be really helpful for me, especially making reading a daily habit. I used to do this when I was a book worm but after realizing how much time I was spending on reading I just stopped reading daily. Nice blog post!

  5. I will definitely actually use the first tip, this blog actually really comes in handy since I haven't been able to finish a book for a while. My last three blogs have been about books I haven't finished! Thanks, Daniel.

  6. Hey Daniel, thank you for these great tips. You really broke each tip down, and went in depth, and you made sure all of them were thing we could implement into our lives straight away. Thank you for the great advice!

  7. Hey Daniel. Thank you for such a useful blog! Finding time in a bust schedule to read a book is often difficult for me, and even when I do find time I quickly get bored with reading. I will try using these tips in the future to finish more books in less time.

  8. Thank you, Daniel!!! This was so helpful to read! Finding time to read during Freshman year is so difficult for me, especially with sports. Hopefully, I can start chopping down some books during break.

  9. I definitely struggle with this, and these tips sound useful. I think incorporating reading into my daily routine will be helpful.

  10. Hi Daniel, these are some great tips and I will definitely use these and incorporate them into my schedule.


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